We will be running 3 groups of training (see dates below). Please note teachers must attend all 6 days of training.
If a certain group suits your school schedule please note this on your application from and we will do our best to accommodate you. Return completed forms to sarahm@ecdrumcondra.ie or post to Drumcondra Education Centre, DCU St Pats Campus, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.
Group 1: 8th Oct, 19th Nov, 14th Jan, 11th Feb, 24th March and 12th May
Group 2: 10th Oct, 21st Nov, 16th Jan, 13th Feb, 26th March and 14th May
Group 3: 17th Oct, 14th Nov,12th Dec, 21st Jan, 18th Feb and 12th March
**Please note the venue will be NEPs Office James Joyce Street Dublin 1**
If you need further information please ring Sarah 01-8576400