Reminder: Call for Presentations and Workshops – National Portal Day 2024

Deadline: 5pm, Monday 9th September 



The ninth annual Arts in Education Portal National Day takes place on Saturday 9 November at TU Dublin, School of Art and Design.

The Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee welcomes submissions of proposals for workshops and presentations that represent quality practice and thinking within the field of arts and creativity in education. This year, the Portal Day will have a special focus on ‘Amplifying All Voices’.

The Committee particularly want to profile projects that represent children from diverse communities and children who are seldom heard.  The closing date for submissions is 5pm  Monday 9 September 2024.

Criteria for selection of proposals:

The Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee welcomes submissions of proposals for workshops and presentations that represent:

  • Dynamic approaches
  • New ways of working
  • Work that represents a commitment to excellence
  • Strong aesthetic and/or educational outcomes
  • Presentations/ workshops that include children’s voices


Our selection of proposals will also be informed by a desire for:

  • Good geographic national spread
  • A range of art forms
  • Early years, primary post-primary and Youthreach representation
  • Equal representation of both arts in education and creative sectors
  • A balance of practical and theoretical approaches


How to apply:

Submissions should be made using the online form, please click the following link to access the form and read the full application guidelines.

For further enquiries, contact

Click Here For Application Form

Cliceáil Anseo le Rochtain a Fháil Ar An bhFoirm