1. All of the material published on this site is the copyright of the Drumcondra Education Support Centre.
  2. Material on this site may be reproduced, modified, republished or retransmitted for educational purposes.  No material may be resold in any form without express written permission from Drumcondra Education Support Centre.
  3. The purpose of our website is to facilitate the flow of information and dialogue among the education community.
  4. While Drumcondra Education Support Centre has taken all reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website it does not make any guarantees regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information within or accessible through the site.  The user of this website understands that neither Drumcondra Education Support Centre nor any third parties who may provide information to us for dissemination purposes accept any responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever arising from either the content of or the use by any party of the site or of any information contained or accessible therein.
  5. Drumcondra Education Support Centre reserves the right at any time to revise, amend, alter or delete the information provided on this website.